Thursday, May 21, 2009

The BGs...BFF

1st row: Lynn, Nancy Kramer
2nd row:Millie Snyder, Susan Gibbs, Valerie Crockett
3rd row: Mary-lynn Mitchell, Grace Mitchell, Gayle Aughtry,Vicki Jaus
Missing: Ann Baldwin

The BGs stand for "The Bridge Girls". We get together once a month for dinner and bridge. Sometimes we don't get to the bridge part, but we have fun trying. It works like this: a member hosts the evening and it is her responsibility to fix dinner. The rest of us show up about 6:00, eat, drink, and are merry for about 3 hours. Then all of us old people go home and go to bed!

There are 8 permanent members and 2 permanent subs, who are just like family to us and we've taken to inviting all 10 whether we need a sub or not. Most of us have been in education, though a couple have been in non-profits. Some of us are retired, some are only contemplating it, but we're all best friends forever. We laugh and cry together, having shared in many joyous and dark moments in each other's lives. We came to our friendships late. The common denominator was Millie Snyder. She knew us all and would NOT rest until she had managed to get two tables for bridge. We started with 4...Millie, Gayle, me, and Susan. That didn't last long and soon there were eight! Valerie and Ann are nominal subs...but we hardly ever have a time when all 8 of us can get there. So, we just started inviting everybody and there are always enough!

Following are some candid shots of the group. Let me declare right now that I love every single one of them and always will. Hopefully, they will not kill me for publishing these shots.

I will miss them when I move, but I am going to try to get back as much as possible. Thanks, BGs. You've touched my life in so many ways. I only wonder one thing: why have none of them volunteered to help me with my move???

I apologize for the placement of the pics. I just can't figure out how to get them where I want them!

Friday, May 8, 2009

They're Gooone...I thought

Ok. I thought the painters were finally gone...two weeks and a ton of heartburn! Of course, they forgot to paint the laundry room, so they had to come back. And...they forgot to paint the bathroom cabinets, so they had to come back. And...they forgot to paint the insides of a couple of the kitchen cabinets, so they had to come back. I'm tired of this come back stuff!!!!!

Well, they came back today. They got the laundry room, the kitchen cabinets, but not the bathroom cabinets. They're coming back tomorrow. If they weren't so nice, I'd just fire them!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A MiMi Weekend

It isn't often that I get to see all of my grandchildren in a single weekend, and it is even less frequent that I get to interact with all five of them in a weekend. But this weekend was special. Friday was Grandparent's Day at St. Gabriel's School where Katie and Lauren attend. After Mass, we visited the rooms where special activities were on display, where snacks were provided, and where we were able to meet their respective teachers. The school does this every spring on the Friday of the weekend when the second graders receive their first communions. Many grandparents come from near and far to witness this special time in the religious life of their grandchildren.

Friday was also Lauren's sixth birthday, so we went to Jon's and Patti's for a family celebration. Patti's parents were there, as were her sister and her family, and her aunt and her family. It was lots of fun since all of them are fun people. Lauren got some good presents and she was a happy camper!

The picture at the left is her pretty face and I love her passionately! The other pic is of her and her big sister, Katie. Katie is our oldest grandchild and is such a pleasure!

Katie and Lauren also have a brother, Jonathan, Jr. He is ALL boy! On Saturday I went to his little T-Ball Clinic game. It's not real T-Ball since the kids are all about 4 years of age, but the Y is training them in the rudimentary skills needed to compete. I say that with tongue in cheek because there is no such thing as "skill" in this group. The coach told them when he placed them in positons that they needed to stay as close to their positions as possible and not go running all around the field. Guess what happened? As soon as a ball was hit, all the fielders converged on the ball like sharks on chum! I laughed out loud! All the dads were in the outfield and were shouting advice to their offspring (girls and boys). Mothers were caring for younger siblings and were generally uninvolved in the goings-on! Jonathan can hit and throw, but he doesn't know to run when he hits, and he doesn't know who to throw to. So funny!!!

Not be be outdone, Adam's oldest daughter had her third birthday party on Sunday. Though she will not be three until May 9, the party was held Sunday because they are going to be out of town on her real birthday. I really think that Adam and Shanna used it as an excuse to party, but, let me tell you, Gracie was in her element! I got there about 3:00 and her other grandparents were there already. I was glad because the old folks could hang out together. Both the girls ate with us and we had a wonderful time. I was so glad to see many of Adam's and Shanna's new friends as well as some that I have known for many years. I got good "quality" time with Gracie and Avery (she is walking a little now at 11 months), and got lots of laughs with some of the children that were there. I think there might have been 9 or 10 children, the oldest being three! Gracie just ripped off wrapping and had NO idea of what was in her packages. She DID, however, like the digital camera that MiMi and PapaJim gave her!

I can't forget little Avery. She will be one year old on June 4. She has begun to walk a little and is such a pleasant baby. She liked the presents, too, and did her share of working on them!

I love this grandmother thing! I am so happy that I have been able to be a part of the lives of all five of them. How lucky can a woman get? It was a great weekend, and a welcome respite from the moving chores!