Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More Flowers and Celebrations

Here I am, once again, trying to figure out what I did with my time. Of course, we did actually finish moving and we closed on the sale of our house. We are now the proud owners of only one residence! And today is my birthday, so I wanted to get this done before I got a year older.

After an extraordinarily rough winter, the spring was extraordinarily beautiful. I want to share some pictures of the wild flowers that were on the ridge. If I can figure out how to get some pics on, I'll share some with you. I now have the pictures on, but whenever I try to caption them everything goes haywire. So, you'll have to settle for running commentary. These three wild flowers (from left to right) are trillium, wild strawberry, and flame azalea. They are some of the most dramatic flowers in the springtime landscape up here. I have more, but getting pics on is so tedious that I quit!

Of course, the Fourth of July always brings an excuse for getting together with friends. Jarleth and LT came, as well as Jim's niece, Fran, and her husband, Neal. The Longs from Cashiers came along with their daughter and her significant other. We had a wonderful time cooking out, eating, sitting by the fire, and watching fireworks off our deck.

These pics on the left are of Christine Long and her daughter, Elyse. On the right are the "boys"... JR, Curt, and Neal, all standing around Lynn's raised bed garden. It is doing very well, by the way!

Adam and his family came to visit from Texas. While they were here, Jon and his family came up. It was such fun having all the grandchildren together in one place...even though it was very much like a gerbil cage around here! The kids went gem mining and went in search of waterfalls. JR and I stayed home and rested up! The following pictures are of us with the boys and their children; the boys and their families; and of us with our 5 grandchildren. Aren't they beautiful? MiMi and PapaJim love those little things! Well, we love the big ones, too, but grandchildren are just the best!

This past weekend our friends Jim and Eileen came for the weekend. We were great friends in Charlotte when Eileen and I were teaching in the same school. Our kids were about the same age and we played bridge together regularly. When the kids were little, we'd take them over to Jim and Eileen's and they'd do the same. Now, their children are "mature" and so are ours! It was a great weekend. I forgot to take any pictures, though, and Eileen forgot her camera. Well, age is a beautiful thing! We haven't seen them in about 10 years. They have moved to South Carolina (via Orlando and Atlanta), so we're going to visit them in September at their lake house. It was such a fun weekend. Jim P. and I won at bridge! I'll take pics then...but not one of me in my bathing suit!

The next family thing is "Celebrate Everything" at my sister's house in Rural Hall, NC. That's a little thing we do at least once a year and sometimes more to celebrate friends and family and all the good things in our lives. JR and I are going to spend the night with Judy and Johnnie. It'll be like a slumber party...if we can stay up that late!

Just so you I post this, I am STILL only 63 years old!

So until next time. I love you guys!