Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Movie, The House, Tired Teeth, and Grandchildren

OK. I started this blog several weeks ago. Since then I haven't managed to get the energy to finish it. Not sure why. But I'm going to finish it tonight, October 8, 2009, though the post will show whatever the date was that I started it.

First of all, I'd like to say to my daughter-in-law, Shanna, how much I love her. I love her for her sensitivity, for her attention to the emotional goings on in her household, and for her warmth and compassion. I am also homesick for her and Adam, and the girls. But they will be here soon and we will be there at Christmas. Now, on to the things at hand in the lives of the senior Riggsbees.

A couple of weeks ago I took a movie of my new house which I intended to upload onto this blog. However, owing to my less than proficient skill at movie making, I decided that I would do another one. It wasn't any good either, so I shall have to do yet another. And, with all good intentions I took myself to the mountains for a week where I thought I would have plenty of time to accomplish this daunting task. Owing to the state of construction, things were such a mess that I finally decided that it would be better to put off this little job until things were a little more orderly. Not sure that is going to happen, but I promise to do a movie when you can tell what the house is like. I'm sure you're waiting with bated breath! The week, however was wonderful and I was reminded once again why I love that place. Mama came up for the weekend and pronounced it "beautiful".

And speaking of houses. I am constantly amazed with the feedback we get from people who look at our Charlotte house. It is an older house (45 years), has been well maintained, but needs some updating. Still it has some amenities that are not normal for our area...two-car garage, bonus room, ample storage (inside and out), decks and patios for outdoor living. I understand some of the feedback, like "My clients didn't like the kitchen", "The place is too chopped up." (that's what you get with an older house), "I don't want to do the amount of updating required.", etc. But some of this stuff is anmazing..."I don't like the outside storage buildings.", "I loved the house, but the two big dogs on each side turned me off." (Like I can help that), "The house is too big.", "The house is too little.", "I'd like to have two bedrooms down.", blady, blady, blady. OK. The house is what it is. You should know what to expect when you look at an older house. It ain't the newest transitional house. Give it up! This has been our home for 30 years (almost). We have laughed and cried there. We have reared two children there. We have welcomed friends and family there. I has been HOME. Now, I know that it's not home to you, but give me a break...DOGS NEXT DOOR???

I have tired teeth. I think it is a common thing among those of my generation who generally grew up without fluoridated water, without the benefits of modern dentistry, and with all those silver fillings! I can't count the number of crowns I have in my mouth, all of which have been the result of broken teeth and absent fillings. Also, I've had my share of root canals. In the last three weeks I've had a retreatment on a root canal and have had to have another crown. Hopefully, that's the last one. The endodontist is about my age and he has the same stuff. Maybe it's a generational thing. Well, at least I don't have to have dentures!

Is there anything else in my mouth that can go wrong? Yes, indeed...I already have the beginnings of what I think will eventually turn into another root canal. I hate this!

Now for the good news. The house is almost done and we will be moved by the end of the month. I'm up here alone for a couple of days (Jim is having issues with, what else, a root canal treatment that went wrong) and will be back early next week when I can actually take up that awful red paper off the floors, clean them, move some more furniture in and actually live here! It won't be too long before I can do a movie, though Shanna tells me that it takes hours and hours to upload it. Maybe you'll just get pics.

This week, two of my grandchildren have birthdays. Jonathan will be 5 on Sunday, October 11, and Katie will be 9 on Wednesday, October 14. How time flies. Katie was my first born grandchild. I, my mother, and Jim's mother, Lessie, spent nearly a whole day along with Patti's mother and sister, awaiting the birth of this child. She was finally delivered by Caesarean section long after we had given up the ghost. She is a beautiful, sweet child and I love her very much. I can't wait for her to get up to the mountains. Jonathan was born about 6 weeks prior to his due date, but still weighed 5 pounds. Maybe he wasn't that early. He is ALL boy. I had a wonderful experience with him a couple weekends ago. JR and I went to his soccer game and he wanted to come home with us. We took him with us and when it came time to go to Reni's game, he didn't want to go. So...MiMi stayed with him. He rarely has much to do with me since he seems to like the "guys" better, but I guess that since I was all that was there, I'd do. He crawled up in my lap, snuggled up, asked for the cat (whom we had to find) and spent about an hour just talking to me and rubbing the cat. It was a wonderful thing for a grandmother to experience. There are so few times with your grandchildren, so each must be savored and remembered as the special ocassions that they are. May I say to all of my grandchildren...I love you more than you can possibly know. I want for each of you to have wonderful lives, and I want to be part of them as often as I can.

I am struggling with this move a little bit, since it is the cessation of a life that I have lived in Charlotte for 36 years. I doesn't feel wrong, it just feels funny.