Saturday, October 25, 2014

And Life Goes On...

It has been awhile since I last published this blog.  In fact, it was very early spring.  Since then, the summer has disappeared, and we are in the last weeks of fall.  In fact, I anticipate a first snowfall before the next 30 days have passed.  It will be light and will disappear quickly, but will nonetheless be a snowfall, a harbinger of the months to come.

So, what has gone on lately? has just unfolded like it has a propensity to do.  We have had visitors...Mama, Paula and Bill, and Jim and Eileen; as well as our annual Big Chill.  I attended my 50th, yes 50th high school reunion (I know that most of you can't possibly imagine that I am that old), and Jim has had hip replacement surgery. I spent a very busy summer growing a very bountiful garden, and preserved much of this bounty for the winter months.  Two granddaughters graduated from their respective schools (elementary and middle), and another was a member of a little kick ball team.  I celebrated my 68th birthday, for which my two Texas granddaughters sang "Happy Birthday" in Chinese.  Too cute.  I will try to post it, but am not sure if I can.

Happy Birthday, MiMi
So, that's my life...happy, busy, and awash in good things.

Mama came up for her birthday as I chronicled in my last post.  She came again in May and we spent a pleasant few days just hanging out.  It is always good to see her feeling well as that has not always been the case of late. While she was here we grilled some meat and while we were cleaning the grill the smoke came in an open window and set off the fire alarm.  Mama became very agitated, but I closed the window, and problem solved!

Two of Jon's daughters graduated from their respecive schools in early June; Katelyn from Holy Trinity Middle School, and Lauren from St. Gabriels Elementary School.  I was struck by the large turnouts of extended families for these events.  It is possible to consider these events silly and small in the larger picture of life; but as I reflected it occurred to me that attendence at these events sends a powerful message to a young person; that of importance.  It is a way to say "You have done well.  You are important, and you will accomplish great things."

The Riggsbees celebrate Katelyn's graduation 

Lauren with MiMi, PapaJim, and Daddy

We have always tried to support our grandchildren's sporting events as much as possible.  We managed to get to several of the games this summer played by our Charlotte grandchildren, but were not able to get to Avery's kick ball games in Texas (distance being the primary factor for this inability).  Adam did send some pictures, though, and we were able to join them vicariously.  We did go to Asheville to see Katie's school field hockey game.  Of course, she was the star of the show!

Get ready to run!

Did you see that?

As usual, we shared our beautiful place with friends and family as often as possible.  My sister, Mary came and we canned beans.  She and my other sister will return in a couple of weeks for a weekend of brunswick stew making!  Our SC friends, Jim and Eileen; our Greensboro friends, Joe and Karen; and our Winston-Salem friends Paula and Bill all shared some time with us this summer.  One of the richest pleasures in life is in the fellowship of good friends.

Karen and Joe like S'Mores

Bill and Paula at Dry Falls

I did go to my 50th high school reunion in late September.  I graduated from Grimsley High School, in Greensboro NC in June 1964 along with about 600 other people.  The turnout was good and we had a really good time.  And, may I say, I thought I looked pretty good!  And so did everybody else!  I was great seeing so many people with whom I have had no contact in all this time.  I do keep up with many of them on Facebook, though, which I think is a real blessing!  There was some talk about having a 70th birthday party in a couple years when most of us turn 70.  That should be fun and maybe some people who didn't come this time can come then.

And speaking of friends, we had our annual Big Chill last weekend.  This is a weekend with the college friends that all ran around together while we were at Western Carolina.  I think we have been doing this for about 15 years, though we did take a couple years off while our new house was under construction.  We ate, sat out by the fire, solved all the world's problems, and caught everybody up on our latest health issues!  I remember wondering why my grandparents talked about their health so much.  Now I's your life as you age!

Big Chill Attendees, Jim, Jane Teasley, KenTeasley,Marti Shope, David Shope

And speaking of health...for about the last 6 months, Jim has become increasing immobile with arthritis in his hip.  After a couple visits to the doctor, it was decided that the arthritis was so bad that it was time to get rid of it.  So, Tuesday last he had a total hip replacement.  I'm thinking this was damn near a drive-thru surgery as he was discharged from the hospital about 8 hours after the conclusion of the operation.  We had it done in Charlotte (by the same doctor who did my knee several years ago) and spent the night there Tuesday night, returning home the next day.  On the way home he wanted to stop at the grocery store to get some grapefruit juice.  As he hobbled in on his walker, he discovered those little motorized carts  which just seemed perfect for his condition.  He happily motored himself around the store for about half hour.  I think he just liked to drive the "bumper car". Arranging home care service was a bit challenging as having surgery so far away from the service area is, apparently, like fitting a square peg into a round hole.  Jim is doing pretty well, though.  We did try to push it a little too much yesterday and his afternoon and evening were a little rough.  He is better this morning and I think he will mend quickly.  He has graduated from a walker to a cane, and seems pretty comfortable with it.

Waking Up

Back to Work

Graduating to a Cane

The fall has been somewhat muted here this year.  Peak weekend never really arrived as we had some terrible storms here and lost many, many of our leaves.  Still, it has been pretty and there are spots of stupendous color!

I leave you with a "porch portrait" of sights across the mountain.  Come enjoy them sometime!

We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving that you enjoy with friends and family!  Love to all.