Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Joys of Construction

About a year ago, JR decided that he would like to build a barn in which to house his tractor and its implements, and to have a workshop.  Just like everything Jim does, it has taken on proportions way beyond its original conception.  Not only is the "barn" bigger than one would generally expect a barn to be (it is bigger than my mother's house, I think), but the scope of the project has taken on a life of its's own.  A trench was to be dug for electric lines to run to the place, so Jim decided that we might as well replace our rather decrepit water lines in the same trench...and while we were at it, why not replace the holding tank at the springhead with a 1000 gallon tank; and, oh, by the way, let's put another 1000 gallon tank at the top of the drive so that if we lose electricity, we can have gravity fed water.

One of the 1000 gallon holding tanks
Now please note that the weather has not cooperated and our workmen can't work in the snow and rain, but Louis did fill up one of the holding tanks, and, guess what, we have gravity fed water (see picture above).  The only issue is that we are now on our 12th day with this tank of water and we are conserving like crazy.  Can't get hot water in the kitchen (not enough pressure to push the heated water from the water heater), so I boil water on the stove to wash dishes.  I have not been doing too much cooking...clean-up is too much of a hassle.  Pressure is too low to use the dishwasher...which, by the way, was full.  It's ripe by now.  I have avoided opening it.  I take a shower about every third day...speaking of being ripe... (though I do a little bird bath routine and brush my teeth).  I am so glad that I was not a pioneer woman.  The very thought of trudging 1/3 mile down a steep hill to the spring head with a bucket and hauling it back up here is just nauseating!

I am going to Charlotte and Greensboro leaving tomorrow and will return Thursday.  I'd better have some water that is delivered with pump power when I get back!  Or else...I'll be coming to visit you!!!

I'll leave you with some "construction sights".

The well-bred always have a potty
The beginning of the barn

This picture of the spring head isn't very sharp, but the white pipe is coming from the holding tank (1000 gallons) and is dispensing cool, clear water.  All this will be eventually covered up and attached to the lines that go to the house...better be soon!
The spring head with all that beautiful water...not coming to my house!
Merry Christmas!  

Love, Lynn and Jim

Monday, December 5, 2011


Jim and me with Jon, Patti, and the Munchkins

Thanksgiving has come and gone, the tree is up, the cards are mailed, gifts are purchased, and I'm just enjoying the season!  We went to Jon's and Patti's for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time.  It was their maiden voyage for hosting the annual celebration, though Patti's mother and I prepared most of the food.  It was so much fun, and we are looking forward to their visit before Christmas to go skiing.  Mind you, I'm not going skiing, but they'll have a good time!

Lynn with youngest sister,  Mary

The elder Riggsbees with Patti's parents, Tom and G with our common grandchildren

We missed the Texas Riggsbees, though.  Shanna sent a darling picture of G and A in front of their tree.  We hope to get there soon.  I miss those little things.

Avery and Gracie
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever you want to call it!  We love you guys!