Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Is He Doing?

Well, I can't be quiet any longer about President Obama. What in hell is he doing? He's throwing up new legislation so fast that it's like standing in front of a machine gun. It's being pushed through without time to read and digest it. His power grabs are maniacal, and he is pushing this country down a road that we don't want to travel. The problem as I see it is that too few people are paying attention. Couple that with the fact that he has demonstrated a disturbing pattern of controlling the press, and what do you have? You have an uninformed public. What will we say when we have deficits so high that our great grandchildren won't be able to pay them off? What do we say now when he promises all these great things, but there is no way in hell to pay for them? What will we say when we lose all our rights as citizens? Has he forgotten the 10th amendment..."all powers that are not enumerated in the constitution are reserved for the people"? This is so scary that I can't even contemplate it. When we have gotten to the place that we allow the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama make decisions for us and we say nothing, then we have fallen far indeed. Find yourself a "tea party". Find yourself a demonstration. Find your pen and write to your congresspersons. Don't just sit around and think that you will get something for nothing. All of us will with dollars, and pay with the loss of the America that we have become accustomed to.

Wake up!!!! Start paying attention before it is too late.

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