Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MiMi Does Austin!

In late May I went to Austin to keep Adam's two girls for a week while their parents worked.  Their school was closed, and they aren't really old enough to stay by themselves...5 and 3!  I was so excited!  Of course, since I have an artificial knee, I set off the metal detectors in the airport, resulting in a "pat-down".  The female TSA agents were very polite and explained everything they were going to do.  It wasn't so bad, really, and I guess if I'm going to fly I should get used to it.  On my return trip, though, a male TSA agent was very rude to me when he yelled at me "Don't touch your things!"  I started to use my power as a white headed grandmother to ask him if his mother had taught him to be that rude, but, in the end, decided that it wasn't going to change anything, so I (uncharacteristically) kept my mouth shut.

It was all worth it as I had a wonderful time with the girls!  They were very good, and we spent time in their pool, went to the library, went to the toy store, and out to lunch; rode bikes and read books. I learned to drive Adam's hybrid Prius, and didn't get lost or have a wreck!

Avery the Fish
Avery turned 3 while I was there, and on Saturday the family had a party with adults and children.  It was fun, and I was able to help Adam in the kitchen.  He made the BEST hamburgers.  I'm still waiting for him to send me his recipe.

Gracie gets up really early (wonder where she got that?) and I was usually upstairs when she appeared in the living room..  On Saturday I stayed in bed a little longer and when I got upstairs about 7 a.m., she asked me why I was late.  She can't tell time, but she KNEW I was late!  I laughed out loud!

Gracie and "Chicken"
I arrived on a Sunday and left the next Sunday, very early, so I told the girls goodbye on Saturday night when they went to bed.  We all three cried, and I cried again the next morning when I kissed them goodbye, though they were still asleep.  Shanna said that Gracie teared up when she got up and realized I was gone.

It was a great trip.  They are coming to NC next week.  Shanna and the girls are going to stay for about 6 weeks.  I'm not yet sure when they will get up here, but we'll see them at some point.  Also, we are planning to go there at Thanksgiving.  It seems that Jon and Patti and their family are going to be there also.  I can't wait.

Jon and his family are going to be up this weekend to bring Katie.  She and I are going next week to Cherokee to see the Oconoluftee Indian Village, visit the Cherokee museum, and see the outdoor drama, "Unto These Hills".   She will be in the 6th grade next year, and is growing up.  She paints her nails, and wears lip gloss, and is absolutely beautiful.  She won an award at her school (I can't remember what it is called), but it is one that is voted on by peers.  It was quite an honor, and we were proud.
Somewhere in here are some pictures I took in Texas.  I'll update you on the Cherokee trip next week (or sometime).  We love you guys!

A beautiful family!

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