Saturday, December 1, 2012

Stew, Texas, and Thanksgiving

Beautiful Stew
In early November, my sister and her husband joined us in what has become a fall tradition to make Brunswick Stew.  Together we made 40 quarts of the beautiful stuff.  Judy froze hers.  I canned mine.  Aren't they pretty?  I think the dog enjoyed it too!

Chester Licks the Pot

Gracen and A
I went to Texas to visit Adam and his family for 8 days.  JR came down on Thursday and we both came home on Saturday.  It was so much fun being with this sweet little family, and I enjoyed the time I got to spend with the girls, Gracen and Avery.  I got to spend a whole day with them while they were out of school and their Mom had to work.  I got to see their school and was able to meet there teachers, both of whom seemed very nice.  I'll have to tell a funny story about the day I first went to Avery's classroom.  There was another little girl coming in about the same time.  I smiled at her and she asked, "Are you the grandmother?"  I answered, "Yes, how did you know?  Is it my white hair?"  She looked at me and without batting an eye, replied, "Well, yes, but you look kind of old and you're a little fat."  I laughed out loud...out of the mouths of babes, for sure!  I assuaged my hurt feelings by visiting a "boutique" Goodwill store right after I left the school.  Never heard of a "boutique" Goodwill store?  Me either.  Can't say it had much in it, but I did buy a plate for $8 (which nearly poked Jim to death as he carried it through two airports in his carry-on).

Chicken Resort #2
Adam and Shanna have chickens.  While I was there, one of them got an eye injury.  In her weakened condition, the other chickens picked on her, pecking at her and weakening her further.  The eye got infected and we were all on a death watch.  But, she didn't die.  Shanna finally decided to make heroic efforts at saving her and the last I heard, she was still alive.  Her eye was draining badly and she didn't smell too good.  We thought a predator might get her, but instead an owl got another chicken.  Chickens are such nasty creatures with little to recommend them except eggs.  I briefly entertained the idea of having some, but after a trip to Texas and to my sister's chicken yard, I decided they would do better with somebody else!  Chicken poop all over the place just doesn't do it for me.  I did learn that there is such a thing as a chicken resort!  I posted sometime this summer about one I had found in Georgia, complete with little umbrellas.  Adam and Shanna have a big umbrella in their chicken resort!

Patti, Katelyn, Jonathan, Jim, Lynn, Jon, Lauren
PapaJim's Birthday Cake

We went to Charlotte for Thanksgiving with Jon and Patti and Patti's family.  Since we moved to the mountains it is hard for people to get up here.  It's a long way, so a trip can't be for just a few hours.  So, in the way that most traditions change, we head to Charlotte with a car load of food and join a whole big Irish-Catholic family at Thanksgiving.  Patti's family is wonderful and we always have a good time.  This year was no exception.  The dads started a fire in a little fire pit that Tom and Gina have, so the kids roasted marshmellows, and generally scared all the mothers while waving sticks that were on fire around.  It was also Jim's birthday Thanksgiving day, so Jon got an ice cream cake and we celebrated his 66 years!
My, how time flies!  Wonder how my husband got so old?

Kids and Fire 

I am working on having Thanksgiving at my house next year.  I have figured out how to sleep 15 of the 17 people.  (Luckily I have a rather large house.)  Gina and Tom have said they will stay in a hotel.  Gina says it's because she snores so loud, but I'll bet it's because there will be 9 children here!  Hope that plan works.  The mountains offer a whole new set of activities that aren't available in Charlotte.  Should be fun!

I got all my decorating done for Christmas.  I have 5 trees up, along with the usual other decorations.  The whole time I had to fight Scrooge (as I call JR during the holidays) since he resists helping me put anything up.  I always start with the things I can do by myself, but there comes a time when I have to have his help.  He always fusses, but always does it, and I think he always likes the finished product.  I guess we'll age out of this at some point, but the festive look always makes me smile.   I enjoy the season...even with Scrooge!  I won't bore you with all my trees, but here is a picture of the big one that is in the great room.  I'm such a pitiful photographer, plus I have been unable to find a suitable tree topper for my tree.  I have thought about it for 3 years, but everytime I go somewhere where I could possibly find one, I forget.  What's that?  YOU never forget?

Merry Christmas!!!  Love to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post as always. Your plan for next year sounds very ambitious - good luck! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

