Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Little Things in Life

So many little things happen in the course of life.  Things that bring one sadness and joy and that are often forgotten in the rush of the day to day.  That's the focus of this blog.

You may or may not know that my mother has moved from her home to an assisted living facility.  I really hate to use the word "moved".  It has connotations of removing her while she was kicking and screaming.  (Now that I think of it, that isn't too far from the truth.)  But she has outlived her ability to care for herself and the decision had been put off as long as possible.  She is cared for and safe, but that is not to say that she is happy.  Her adjustment has been difficult, but she seems to have weathered the hardest part...hopefully.  We all visit often and my sister and brother continue to do many of the day to day things for her.

I do have a funny story about one of the residents there who lives across the hall from her.  He is a gentleman who doesn't appear to be as old as Mom, but I think his younger life was spent as a Casanova of sorts.  One day I was leaving and I kissed Mom goodbye and told her I loved her.  This fella was coming out of his room and asked for a kiss.  Thinking nothing of it, I pecked him gently on the lips and left.  The next day I saw him at "Happy Hour" and he asked me if I was Elaine's daughter.  I responded in the affirmative and then he asked me if I was married.  Again I responded affirmatively, at which time he stalked away.  A little later he came up to me again and said "If your husband decides to divorce you, let me know.  I love pretty women."  I assured him that I would do so and went about my rat killing which included trying to get Mom's door locked.  He apparently saw me struggling and volunteered to help, but only after he snuck up on me, poked me in the sides and tickled me.  I was talking to Jim at the time and screamed out loud at the surprise.  It was then that I decided that this was a little more than benign interest.  I avoided him thereafter and haven't been back to GSO, but it will be interesting to see what happens when I go back in a couple of weeks.  Who knew there would be such opportunity at a retirement home?

Lisa, Lynn and Chester
My friend Lisa came to visit one weekend.  Her husband and son were busy with other things so she ventured up.  I have known her for many years (she is about the age of my children) and worked with her at Ardrey Kell and Waddell high schools in CMS.  We had a wonderful time.  She is such a lovely person and I hope she brings her family next time.

My sister, Mary, and her children came for a couple of days this week.  We took a field trip to the Foxfire Museum in Mountain City, GA.  I think the kids were underwhelmed, but Mary and I had a good time.  We went shopping in Highlands on the way back.  I shopped until I couldn't walk into another store,  I went back to the car and played games on my iPhone while waiting for Ana and Mary to finish.  Zach went with me and he listened to music.  It was good to see all of them.  They brought their dog, Daisy, and she and Chester spent much of their time begging from the treat jar.

Mary, Anna, and Zach
The Beggars

Mary Fits This Coffin Better than Jim

Chester trapped a racoon one morning on the fence around the "puppy prison".  The spikes on this fence are very sharp and are designed to deter wild animals that might try to get to Chester when we leave him alone.  He has a crippled leg and defending himself is iffy.  Anyway, I let him out before daylight one morning and heard all this wild barking.  Upon investigation, I saw that he had a racoon trapped on top of the fence.  I believe that this is the little female that we have named Rachaela.  Anyway, it took hours before I was able to get him in, and was well up into the morning by then.  I thought she would just disappear, but she apparently was hung up on one of the spikes.  She chewed and chewed and I was preparing to remove her from the fence.  (I was going to throw a tarp over her, using thick leather gloves, and lift her off.)  But before I got all my equipment ready she had extricated herself.  I was afraid that she had chewed her paw off, but I only saw hair and blood, no body parts.  Life is hard for wild animals. I hope she will be okay.  I think that we get so used to our domesticated pets that we don't even think about all the unforgiveness that happens in nature.

"Treed"  Racoon
We had what I hope is our last snow in late March...about 4 inches.  The weather has been reasonably mild this winter (not as mild as last winter, but not as terrible as our first two winters here).  I am SO ready for spring.  Am going to plant some cabbage today, and may try some turnip greens.  Will soon get some small tomato plants and move them in and out so they will be bigger when I can plant them outside around May 15.  Seeds for squash and cuke I will start around the end of April so they will be a good size for planting at the same time.

Late March Snow

Will be traveling to CLT tomorrow for a weekend visit.  Adam is in North Carolina and we are planning a small family get together with Jon and his family.  Do you remember the days you couldn't WAIT to get rid of your kids?  Now I can't wait to see them!

Hope all is well with all of you and that the taxman hasn't been too onerous!

I leave you with a porch portrait.  Love to all.

Winter Sky

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