Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Have I Been Doing?

I read some time ago about a mathematical explanation for the phenomenon of "time flies".  Specifically, it referred to our belief that time passes faster as we age.  The explanation offered the following:  When we are, say, 5 years old, any 24 span is a larger proportion of our lives up to that time, so it seems bigger (longer?) than when we are, say 67.  Because the proportion of any 24 span is much smaller, it just seems like it occurs at a faster rate.  I'm not at all sure that this theory is even plausible, but it does offer a convenient excuse for always being so tardy with my posts.  I will, however, endeavor to catch you up with the comings and goings of the Riggsbees.  The problem is that, though I have been extraordinarily busy, I can't remember all in which I have been involved.

Jim's niece and her husband came up over Labor Day.  I can't remember what we did, and I couldn't find any pictures either on my iPhone or on my camera.  Anyway, they were here.  We always have a good time with them.

Alice, Herb, and Lynn
In September, a really great weekend happened.  Back in the 80s I taught special needs kids at Olympic High School in Charlotte.  I had several colleagues while there, but the best two were Alice and Herb.  Around the middle of the decade Alice decided that she was tired of choosing between electricity and food, so she went to work in corporate America.  In '88 I left to do another job in the school system, and Herb left for another school.  Thus broke up the best team in the world! I had not seen either of them in quite awhile until the spring when Alice (who now works for a different corporate entity) came for a weekend visit.  We hatched a plan to get Herb and Libbie (Herb's wife) up here and had a wonderful reunion weekend!  We didn't do much (generally owing to the fact that it poured rain on Saturday), but we never stopped talking and we got caught up on each other's lives.  I love being with people who have played very important roles in my life...and both of them did.  I love you guys!

Alice, Herb, and Libbie

Jim and I have whimsically thought to open up a "Brunswick Stew Camp".  We really like to make the stuff and have discovered that many of our friends like to eat it so we have spent several weekends helping direct the rendition of the delicious brew.  Our guests bring their own ingredients, we help them prepare them, and then we cook and can.  It is so much fun!  Our friends, Karen and Joe, were the latest to take advantage of free labor.  I think we are going to have to make some more for them after the New Year as they have planned to give away most of theirs for Christmas gifts.  Here are a couple pics of work in progress.



We also had our annual get together with our college buds, The Big Chill.  I know, I know, it's not a very imaginative name, but it is an awful lot of fun.  This year we had the Shopes, the Blaylocks, the Teasleys, and Chapin.  We ate, sat out by the fire, reminisced, talked about our aches and pains, and what we were going to choose for our health care option during Medicare open enrollment.  I remember wondering why old people spend so much time on health topics.  Now I know!  On a lighter note, though.  Chapin, who was always a ladies man, continued charming all the "girls".  In his other life, he is a Santa Claus, charmer to a younger group.  We look forward to this every year, and I intend to host it as long as I am able.  Apparently, this group intends to come as long as they are able!

Back:  Chapin, Dave, Bob, Jim, Ken
Front: Marti, Claudia, Lynn, Jane
Chapin and the Girls

My good, good, friend Wilma came for a visit in October.  She lives in the north eastern part of the state and the trip is a long one, so she always brings someone with her.  Often, she brings people that I do not know.  That was the case this time when she brought Linda.  Linda's husband is a farmer (retired he says), but still works with Wilma's son doing that farm thing.  I really liked Linda ( as I do everybody Wilma introduces me to) and we had a really good time.  The only thing is that they like to shop so when I went with them they made me buy things!  Truly, not such a bad deal since I did get things for the grand babies!  This picture was taken at Bridal Veil Falls between Highlands and Franklin.
Wilma and Linda at Bridal Veil Falls

I took myself to Charlotte for a couple days right before Thanksgiving.  I usually go because I have an appointment of some sort, but this time I went to see my oldest.  Jon and his family are very busy, and I don't see them very often.  I was missing him, so I went to see him.  We had dinner together with two of the grand babies (Katie and Patti were doing a school project).  It was fun.  During dinner he asked me why I came.  I said "To see you."  I'm not sure he was expecting that answer, but I love his little face!  I did take advantage of the time there to catch up with some friends and my sister, Mary.  Always a highlight is lunch with my friend Chris, who always manages to make an old lady feel like a beautiful woman!  Thanks, Bud!

We stayed home for Thanksgiving this year and shared our bounty with friends Chris and Curt and their family.  We usually go to Charlotte, but this year we decided that the season (May to October)  with its non-stop activities and Jim's frequent business travel had left us somewhat drained.  We came home after TG dinner, watched some movies and some football, did a few chores over the weekend, and generally chilled.  It was nice, really, being less frenetic than usual.  Still, I missed being with family.  Here's a pic of the TG crew. I hope all of you had a blessed day, and were able to be thankful for all the bounty in your lives.

Thanksgiving with the Longs

Tomorrow I leave to go to Texas for about 10 days to be with Adam and his family.  I can hardly wait to see the girls!  Gracie told her parents that she wanted "Mimi-beans" for Christmas.  Those are beans that I grew in my garden.  I sent a dozen jars home with them when they were here this summer.  I wish I could figure out a way to get some to her now!

Probably will not be in touch until after the holidays, but I hope each of you has a wonderful season with family and friends.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

I leave you with a "porch portrait" and with something I saw at the vet's the other day:


October Sunrise

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