Thursday, April 23, 2009

By Popular Demand

I actually had three pictures on this page, but one of them disappeared into the netherworld. Anyway, I'm not kidding about the BW Hillbillys...notice the side planks on the truck. We load up the truck ( and my car, which is less obtrusive), haul this stuff to the mountains and unpack it into a (are you ready for this) shipping container. Jim finds the most interesting bargains. I'll try again with a pic of the shipping container, but several of you wrote to say that you really, really wanted to see some more of these pics. I'll oblige you with these and the other one if I can get it on. Love to all!

I got the pic of the shipping is much fuller now! Also, I looked at the preview and it doesn't look like the pics do on this page as I write. Oh, well!

1 comment:

  1. Lynn,
    I am enjoying every bit of this. I love the pictures and I feel I haven't missed a whole lot of your life. I am so amazed at my Adam as a daddy! I can't wait for the next update. Give Jim a big hello hug for me and I know what you mean about moving after a lifetime in one spot. I hope I get a chance to see the newly reconstructed "Mountain Cabin" once you guys get completely moved and settle. I remember when you all bought the cabin and our week-end up there, it was so nice and peaceful. Well, take care and I'll keep reading.

    Love You,
