Friday, December 18, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Tommy (top) and Ben (a really cute kid) installing the cabinets in the kitchen and the mudroom.

The good news kitchen cabinets are here and they are beautiful!  The are rustic hickory and really do add a dimension to the kitchen that I didn't expect.  Tommy and Ben installed them last week.  It took them 4 days to do so, but the effect is stunning...well, almost.  I'll get to that in a little bit.

The bad news is that I don't have any appliances, except the old refrigerator.  I have no stove, no sink (which means no water in the kitchen,) no oven, and no dishwasher.  Well, I didn't have a dishwasher before so that is no big deal.  It is rather difficult to cook without the necessary appliances.  I don't think they're going to come any time soon, either, because, as I write, we are two inches into a forcast 10 inches of snow.  Getting up this drive is sometimes difficult even under the best of conditions, and deep snow isn't one of those.  In addition, we have run into a glitch with the granite fabricator.  It does appear that it will be awhile before the countertops are on.

The ugly is that I've figured out how to make do.  I got the builder to get the plywood that we had used on the old cabinets and I put that on the cabinets.  I went to the shed, got an old Coleman camping stove that uses those little bottles of propane.  It has two burners and works great as a small stove.  I have a George Foreman thingy that will roast or grill, I have a tabletop microwave, and I put dirty dishes in a dishpan and cart them down to the doggy bath to wash them.  Then I dry them and cart them back upstairs!  Other than the inconvenience of running to the bathroom for water when needed in the kitchen, and of dragging dirty and clean dishes upstairs, it works pretty well.  I have waited so long for this beautiful house that I'm not going to let these little set backs upset me.  Now I'm off to play in the snow.  I think it's going to keep JR in Charlotte today, but maybe he will be able to come tomorrow.  Merry Christmas!!!  (Or if you'd rather that I be more PC)...Happy Holidays!!!

This is the makeshift kitchen...not bad, huh?

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