Sunday, January 17, 2010


JR tells me that we will have no friends left if I keep telling everybody about my poilitical views.  And I know that most of our acquaintances are liberal.  But, guess what?  I'm not and I can't stay quiet anymore.

NEVER in my sixty-three years have I ever been more frustrated with our government.  NEVER have I been more concerned about the direction that our government is taking, with its wild lurch to the ideological left and to more and more government control. 

While it is true that I am a small government proponent, it is also true that am not a "no" government proponent.  I do not object to paying my fair share of taxes (and I do so every year).  Nor do I object to our government taking care of the less fortunate of our society.  These things are the price of a principled people and a caring society.  BUT...I do object to paying for Nebraska's Medicaid, and for Louisana's Purchase, and for the unions' "cadillac" taxes, and for whatever other bribes that have been made so Obama can have his political "legacy".

First of all, any legacy he has will be toatlly negative.  This bill is a travesty committed against the American people...all of the American people, not just the "rich".  What have the "Federales" ever done that has been a sustained good?..Social Security (broke), Medicaid (broke), Medicare (broke), Amtrak (broke and heavily subsidized), USPS (broke and heavily subsidized), Fannie and Freddie (broke and not subject to the newly suggested "Responsbility Tax").  AIG, GM, Chrysler..also not subject to the "Responsibility Tax", .  By the way, they are the only ones who have not paid back their TARP loans with interest.  They are no
less responsible than the federal government whose liberal policies required them to make risky loans.  I do not claim to be an economic genius (Puh..leeze), but anybody who can lick a pencil can tell what is good economic policy and what isn't.  Barney Frank, Ted Kenndy, and Chris Dodd, with their liberal leanings, did more to harm this country than all of the Bush administration.

And that brings me to another issue...Obama needs to take responsibility for his failures, rather than just foisting them off on the "previous" administration.  He is now the President, and has been for a year.  This is his baby now.  All adminstrations have "inherited" issues that have to be solved.  Too bad.  He asked for the job, he got it, and now it's his to fix.  This crap about "inheritance" is just that...crap.  Time to put on your big boy pants and deal with it!!!.

So, Scott Brown... GO FOR IT!!!  Win this election.  Bring some sense of patriotism back to this country. Be a Patrick Heny, a Thomas Paine, a George Washington.   Stop this lurch to big government.  Keep this administration from moving this country to the ideological left.  Keep us free.  Question with boldness. Speak without fear.  Take risks for the freedom of this nation.  I stand with you!!!

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