Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Escape From Rapunzel's Tower

I have been snowed in so many times this winter that I have lost count of the number.'s been often enough that my sister-in-law, Renee, has begun to refer to this place as Rapunzel's Tower.  It feels like that sometimes, too.  Maybe I can grow my hair long enough to make a zip line to get down the hill!  I did manage a brief escape last Thursday, though my intention was to leave on Wednesday.  I missed two appointments in Charlotte, but was able to make the third, and then go to Greensboro to see Mama.  The only problem was...I took the snow with me, 4/5 inches in Charlotte, and about an inch and a half in Greensboro.  Everybody but me was delighted.

I headed back to the mountain on only about 6 inches of new snow.  JR met me in Asheville and we rug shopped and ate lunch out, then trekked back up here not knowing if we were going to be able to get up the mountain or not.  Cullowhee Mountain Road was thick with ice and snow, but Pine Creek and Yellow Mountain were pretty much okay.  We got to our dirt road and managed that okay and came up our steep drive without too much trouble.  But it snowed again on Sunday and JR left before he got snowed in.  I'm still here!  I don't know what our accumulation was this time, but it's pretty deep and there has been little melt off since the temperatures are so cold.  I'd like all of you to come, but maybe winter isn't the time to do that! I might be able to get down tomorrow when it warms up some, or I COULD work on my taxes.

I finally have water in my kitchen, the granite is installed, and some of the appliances have been installed.  The granite installers had to be pulled up the mountain with the John Deere, and the appliance installers had to leave because of the snow in this area and South Carolina (where they live).  They may come on Friday if it doesn't snow again.  Big Green is waiting!!!  I can't wait to get all of it in so I can display a snapshot, but at least, I don't have to haul dishes to the doggie bath anymore!

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